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International Sending Update

Posted by james taro on

As previously noted Royal Mail have been dealing with a cyber incident which has hauled all international sending from the UK. Although you will still be able to place orders internationally I am unable to send, thus your order will be packed and awaiting the reopening of services.  There does however appear to be a light at the end of the tunnel. There have been mumblings that the back log is starting to clear in their sorting offices and hopefully by the end of the week we will get the go ahead to start sending again.  Thank you for your...

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Disruption to Service

Posted by james taro on

As always seems to be the case the new year has brought with it disruptions, some of them out of my control. Firstly as some some of you may have spotted by my Instagram story I got a lovely new compressor for the workshop. This was a necessity as the previous one died last week and apparently you can't buy spare parts for it. Luckily I wanted to upgrade to a better model so this was well timed... although it turns out getting hold of a new fuse to handle the additional load is harder than expected. I have one...

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Just a Quick one....

Posted by james taro on

Just a quick one to say Hi I'm Back off holiday, slightly tanned and recuperated. Although I've been working non stop since I landed back in the country getting orders fulfilled and new items on the way. Yes that's right new items! loads of them! I'm in the final stages of being able to release them, moulds are made, stock is flowing and the listings are coming together.  So keep an eye out for updates very soon. Hope you are all having a great summer so far.  Taro 

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What's been going on with TaroModelmaker lately?? if you're interested...

Posted by james taro on

So what's been going on with Taro lately I hear you screaming!!… no? oh well I'll tell you anyway.  So after the huge success of my trip to Chicago's Adepticon a little over a month ago I flew back to the UK to realise I couldn't bare going to back to work at my job (granted I was only working two days a week but even that was to much) So I quit! Running this store is now my full time job and I couldn't be happier!! So a massive thank you to every single one of you that has...

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Store Wide Price Rises

Posted by james taro on

Hi all,  Firstly thank you for your continued support, running this store is a constant pleasure. As you are all hopefully aware there have been some very dramatic price rises in near enough every aspect of life. We in the modelmaking and casting industry have been hit particularly hard. In the past two years I have seen the price of Silicone and Resin double, as well as the constant increase to packing supplies and everyday living.  While I have done my best to avoid raising the price of my products for the past few years I am now finding it unavoidable. I...

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